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Welcome to the Official Website for the Lincoln Fire Company of Ephrata, PA
“Protectors of the West Side”

“It shall be the mission of the Lincoln Fire Company No. 1 of Ephrata, PA to anticipate and provide safe, appropriate and professional response to fire, rescue, hazardous materials and environmental emergencies needed by our dynamic community. We shall be Volunteers, dedicated to minimizing loss from these emergencies through fire suppression, training, public education, investigation and innovative programs.”
January 2025 Statistics:
44 Total Incidents
Top Call Runners:
Deputy Chief, James Gehman - 32 calls
Safety Officer, Randy Gockley - 27 calls
Firefighter, Addie Northup - 23 calls
Chief, Richard Gehman - 19 calls
Lincoln Fire Company Station 16, February 09
Chief, Sean McCabe - 18 calls
630 Total Training Hours
Top Training Personnel: Captain, Walt Bair - 38 hours Asst. Chief, Sean McCabe - 36 hours Lieutenant, Conrad Strawbridge - 34 hours Chief Engineer, Josiah Fegley - 32 hours Captain, Brian Zimmerman - 30 hours Captain, Clyde Zimmerman - 30 hours Lieutenant, Henry Chedraoui - 30 hours
Besides a busy month with calls, training also highlighted ... (Full Story & Photos)
Tonight crews enjoyed a duty crew night to staff the station
Lincoln Fire Company Station 16, February 08
Breakfast for dinner was organized and made by Firefighter Northup and her assistants. Crews enjoyed a great meal and a lot of stories were told during the evening. Lincoln also extended an invite to our medical partners in town Ephrata Community Ambulance Association for dinner. Thanks to all the members who turned out and helped staff the station this evening.... (Full Story & Photos)
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